We offer the following repair services, listed in categories of one of three parts of double barreled guns
click on picture to view some of our customising options
New stocks and fore ends for all type of antique, vintage and modern shotguns and rifles (inc. bolt actions)
Cross over, central vision and specialist stocks for the physically handicapped.
Click here for images of our hand made stocks
Refinishing, Recheckering and repair, sympathetic to the age and type of gun/rifle, inc. best oil finish, Tru oil, French polish and polyurethane.
Checkering down to 28 LPI. Lengthening in wood (Inc. oil painted to match original figure) Buffalo horn/ebonite (when available).
Recoil pads (inc. Silvers, Kick Eez and Pachmayer)
Leather covering of recoil pads.
Fitting of ovals, shields and letters in gold or silver.
Bending of stocks for cast and bend.
Cross Over Stocks
We have specialised in Central vision and Cross Over Stocks for nearly 35 years . We have our own unique design which can be fitted to everything from bolt action rifles through stock bolted modern guns to best quality hammer guns . Please click on the picture below to view
All action work undertaken including rejointing, trigger pulls, ejector regulation.
Strip and clean, relaquer action, reblack of furniture and the making and fitting of new parts and springs.
click here for Action’s images
Through our intimate knowledge of the gun trade we can organise the following barrel work for you.
New barrels for any gauge of shotgun, double rifle or bolt rifle.
New ribs, new rifle sights inc. quarter ribs, and re regulation of double rifles.
Refix ribs and reblack or rebrown barrels. Choke regulation and alteration.
Adding weight to barrels. Fitting new extractors.
We also offer a comprehensive engraving service using some of the worlds best engravers. Whether you need a replacement pin or oval engraving, a trigger guard brought to its original condition or a new gun engraved, let us help you achieve the best results.
We are confident to take on any restoration projects required for vintage and antique guns, pistols & rifles .
Our aim is always to present the repair or renovation that it does not stand out in an unsympathetic manner to the rest of the gun ,rifle or pistol , as demonstrated in the pictures displayed here.
We can cater for most requirements from sympathetic re brown of barrels to re-engraving , restocking and even “re making” Muzzle Loading barrels using old breech loading Damascus barrels.
Please contact us to discuss your needs
click here for our Antique restoration imageshttps://gibbsgunmakers.com/?page_id=349