

We actively seek good quality examples of modern , vintage and Antique books on Guns, shooting and related subjects. If you can’t find what you require on our list please ask if we can find your requirement for you.


THE BRITISH SHOTGUN Vol 1 by I M Crudgington & D J Baker . 2nd hand ,this is the 1st edition ,we have a few examples of this edition all in VGC some signed                                                £50 +p&p

We also have the modern edition available @£45 + p&pIMG_6162





THE BRITISH SHOTGUN Vol 2 by I M Crudgington & D J Baker . 2nd hand Vol2 .Sunlight fading to spine of dust jacket .Signed by authors , this is the rare Ashford press 1st edition                                                                                                    SOLD

We also have the modern edition available ( can be signed, if requested , for a fee to charity)                                                                                                                      £45 + p&pIMG_6163





THE BRITISH SHOTGUN Vol 3    By I M Crudgington & D J Baker  probably the most relevant of the 3 volumes to todays collector/user                                                     £45 +p&pIMG_6161





THE MODERN SPORTSMAN’S GUN & RIFLE ( 2 vols)  by Stonehenge . reprint by W Curtis  1988  ( 1st 1882)  along with Greeners ” The Gun and it’s Development” this is the bible for collectors and enthusiasts, lots of good information and excellent engravings in this quality reprint . Highly recommended                                                            SOLD






THE BRITISH DUELLING PISTOL , by Atkinson   published Museum Restoration Services 1978 ( 1st 1917)    A very interesting introduction to this often misunderstood subject                                                                                                                                £20







MODERN FIREARMS ENGRAVING by Mario Abbiattico.     The engraving book by which all others are judged . The first modern book of it’s type and in my opinion still the best  2nd hand .                                                                                                                        SOLD




“OLLY” BY RUPERT GODFREY   new for this year ,the first biography about this unusual and much written about shot of his generation                                                          £45 + p&p IMG_6159